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GrandMA3 full-size

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The fundamental syntax of the grandMA2 has been preserved and extended to facilitate the new functionality.

The grandMA3 software has an elegant new system-architecture incorporating new fixture, feature and effects-handling at its very heart. These ground-breaking concepts from top industry visionaries, are presented within a refined user interface, and are designed to make practical tasks more intuitive. Selecting fixtures, adjusting values, storing presets and playing back cues should all feel familiar, but improved in many details of the process.

Better overview, faster access and more accurate information will create an improved user experience in programming and busking a show.

Fixture information is now generic and allows simpler sharing of programmed data between fixtures. We also support the new GDTF (General Device Type Format) natively, allowing fixture manufactures to ensure their own fixtures are controlled as intended.

For more details of the current software version see the software category in the product section.

grandMA3 processing unit XL

添加grandMA3 processing unit即可輕鬆擴展grandMA3系統!


grandMA3 processing XL是最終的參數擴展解決方案,可節省大量成本和尺寸。


grandMA3 processing XL是最終的參數擴展解決方案,可節省大量成本和尺寸。這是設計具有多達250,000個參數的grandMA3燈光控制系統的最簡單方法。強大的CPU確保在MA-Net3環境中對16,384個參數進行幀同步計算。此外,grandMA3 processing XL提供了一個Mode2,可通過4,096個參數擴展現有的grandMA2系統。


grandMA3 processing專為安裝在機櫃上而設計,所有型號均僅為2RU,可提供高效的巡迴解決方案。每個型號都配備8個DMX輸出,用於在整個網路中進行幀同步DMX輸出。除了grandMA3 xPort Node之外,還可以提供其他幀同步DMX輸出。


processing保持在集中位置以進行參數擴展,並使用grandMA3 xPort Node分發和輸出幀同步DMX數據。


grandMA2 Compatibility

The grandMA3 control consoles are compatible with shows created on grandMA2 consoles. Where features allow, existing shows can be exported from grandMA2 software 3.4 and later, for use in all grandMA3 console models.

All grandMA3 console models (except the grandMA3 onPC command wing) incorporate a fully featured Mode2, which runs native grandMA2 software.



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