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The fundamental syntax of the grandMA2 has been preserved and extended to facilitate the new functionality.

The grandMA3 software has an elegant new system-architecture incorporating new fixture, feature and effects-handling at its very heart. These ground-breaking concepts from top industry visionaries, are presented within a refined user interface, and are designed to make practical tasks more intuitive. Selecting fixtures, adjusting values, storing presets and playing back cues should all feel familiar, but improved in many details of the process.

Better overview, faster access and more accurate information will create an improved user experience in programming and busking a show.

Fixture information is now generic and allows simpler sharing of programmed data between fixtures. We also support the new GDTF (General Device Type Format) natively, allowing fixture manufactures to ensure their own fixtures are controlled as intended.

For more details of the current software version see the software category in the product section.

grandMA3 light

grandMA3 light機型具有巨大的多點觸控螢幕。直接在訊息螢幕上使用所有專用的編碼器和播放訊息,從而可以完全配置較大的螢幕,以滿足用戶的需求。



grandMA3 light控制台是該系列產品中的佼佼者。它提供了功率和物理尺寸的完美結合。 grandMA3燈光控制台適用於除要求最苛刻的產品之外的所有產品,因此它可能是市面上功能最齊全的燈光控制台。






grandMA3燈光控制台標配8,192個控制參數,確保它是世界上最負盛名的娛樂照明應用的理想基礎平台。使用額外的grandMA3 Processing units,系統規模可擴展至250,000個參數。


grandMA3 light與grandMA2和grandMA3軟體兼容。硬體經過人體工程學優化,默認情況下可以視為靜默版本。

  • 與grandMA3處理單元相關的每個會話實時控制多達250,000個參數

  • 6個DMX輸出,1個DMX輸入

  • 2個內部信箱多點觸控螢幕

  • 2個內部多點觸控命令螢幕

  • 可以連接2個外部多點觸控螢幕

  • 41個旋轉RGB背光編碼器

  • 5個背光雙編碼器

  • 15個背光電動60mm推桿

  • 60個單獨的播放

  • 16個可分配的x鍵

  • 內置不間斷電源(UPS)

  • 3個etherCON接孔,6個USB接孔

  • 2個背光電動A / B推桿100mm

  • 單獨的背光和可調光靜音(無點擊)鍵


grandMA2 Compatibility

The grandMA3 control consoles are compatible with shows created on grandMA2 consoles. Where features allow, existing shows can be exported from grandMA2 software 3.4 and later, for use in all grandMA3 console models.

All grandMA3 console models (except the grandMA3 onPC command wing) incorporate a fully featured Mode2, which runs native grandMA2 software.



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